HUNDREDS of people from different churches got together to hold a special event to mark the new millennium.

For more than a year, the churches in Great Harwood have been planning "Passion 2000: The Cross and Beyond", a celebration of Holy Week.

The story of Jesus making his last journey into Jerusalem was re-enacted through 16 different scenes, with plenty of audience participation.

The opening scene involved a procession from Mercer Hall in Great Harwood, which followed Jesus, played by Andrew Stephenson, up Queen Street to Towngate, singing and shouting as it went.

Later on, the procession moved up Church Street to the grounds of Churchfield House, where Jesus and his disciples gathered for the Last Supper.

Following the recreation of the trial, Jesus was led out carrying the cross for his crucifixion at Memorial Park.

Then everyone gathered for the final scene at St Bartholomew's Church, where Mary Magdalene, played by Shona Goodall, realised that Jesus had risen from the dead, and everyone sang in celebration.

There will also be a dawn chorus to mark the Resurrection in Memorial Park tomorrow at 6.30am.