RACIAL equality campaigners have called for a Conservative councillor to be disciplined over an election leaflet which they claim could stir up hatred among local residents.

The leaflet, distributed by Douglas Deakin in Huncoat just a day before Thursday's local election, claims the area will become an ethnic ghetto if asylum seekers move in.

Now the Commission for Racial Equality is calling for the author of the leaflet -- which urged people to vote for Tory candidate Peter Cottam -- to be disciplined, claiming it breaks an all-party agreement on using race as an election issue.

The pamphlet claimed: "Experience has show that incidents of crime and disorder have increased where ghettos have been created."

Chris Myant, from the CRE, said: "We have an agreement with the major political parties that no election material will, in any way, promote racial prejudice.

"We do not have the power to censure someone for breaking this agreement, though we expect the the party in question to look into it and take the appropriate action."

Initially, it was thought the leaflet was the brainchild of Mr Cottam.

However, Huncoat Conservative councillor Douglas Deakin admitted he was responsible.

He said: "I wrote and distributed the leaflet myself. It isn't racist. It simply tells the truth about what the government is planning."

Both Conservative central office and regional election campaign directors have been informed.

Cumbria and Lancashire Conservative campaign director, James Fuke has distanced his party from the leaflet, saying: "This is a lone voice in one ward and the leaflet only went out in Hyndburn. "As soon as we heard about it, we did all we could to pull it. We do not tolerate racism in our party. We are looking into the matter."

Coun Peter Britcliffe, leader of Hyndburn Borough Council, said he hadn't seen the leaflet but added: "There is a lot of concern over what could happen in Huncoat because the area couldn't cope with that many asylum seekers.

"I have sought assurances from Jack Straw about the numbers coming here but he hasn't responded.

"The Conservative Party in Hyndburn is not racist."

New Huncoat Labour councillor Stephen Walsh, who beat Mr Cottam by a narrow margin, said: "They ran a dirty campaign in this election but have shot themselves in the foot."

Regional Labour Party organiser Kate Axford said: "The claims are racist and ridiculous.

"There is already a very diverse population in Hyndburn, including an Asian community, and crime isn't any higher."

Mr Cottam was unavailable for comment.