LABOUR leader Malcolm Doherty has successfully survived a challenge for control of the ruling group on Blackburn with Darwen Council.

Former leader Peter Greenwood was bidding to take hold of the reins of power at Blackburn Town Hall.

But his rival councillor Malcolm Doherty comfortably won a ballot of the 36 Labour councillors who run the unitary authority.

The current leader won 23 votes and his challenger registered 10 supporters and two councillors abstained while one failed to attend the meeting.

Councillor Doherty said: "I am absolutely delighted to have won the backing of my colleagues and intend to press ahead with the work I have been doing." Mahfooz Hussain has been elected Chairman of the local Labour Party.

"I still intend to make sure that the new system works to the benefit of everyone in the borough."

Mill Hill councillor Malcolm Doherty was in danger of losing the post he has held for the last seven years after his party performed badly at last week's local elections.

Seven Labour councillors lost their seats in last week's local elections and the ruling group has seen their majority on the council slip to just ten seats.

Peter Greenwood said he decided to stand for the leadership following a request from a group of dissatisfied councillors.

The faction were unhappy about planned changes to the way the town hall will be run. The plan is to set up a cabinet style executive committee consisting of eight "super councillors" who will meet in private.

Councillor Greenwood, who refused to comment today, claimed the new system would be undemocratic and said he would hold a referendum on the issue if elected leader.