SUMMER suns are just about glowing, which means that the exam season is upon us again.

With her tongue firmly in cheek, Carolyn Mercer, 16, a student at St Mary's RC Sixth Form College, Blackburn, has advice on how to prepare for the worst possible grades.

REVISION is something we all find difficult, whether you are a high flying candidate or not the scholar your parents wished you were.

People revise in different ways and what works for one person, won't work for the next. But here are a few tips on what to do if you want a very disappointing grade, and don't go telling me you don't do any of these things, because I know you do.

1. Allow plenty of time for revision -- a few hours after 'Neighbours' will be totally adequate to revise a whole term's work.

2. Revise in the most cramped place you can find -- the back seat of your friend's car on the way to college will be perfect.

3. A little background noise helps when revising -- your favourite CD on full blast will help you take in all the information. 4. Regular breaks are needed when revising -- half an hour's work then off to the pub with your mates.

5. Revising with a friend can make it a little less stressful -- talking to your friend about the latest film will really help you pass a maths test.

6. Get a good night's sleep -- 2 o'clock in the morning is earlier than most nights.

7. Always tell yourself you already know it -- that's fine until you get into the exam.

8. Regular drinks and snacks are necessary for good revision -- eight pints and a kebab work wonders for your memory.

9. Make useful, colourful notes -- and remember to leave them on the kitchen table before you leave.

10. Always be prepared for an exam -- a blunt two inch pencil and the leaky pen from the bottom of your bag will be perfect.

Follow my guide and I guarantee you'll be totally prepared for those results.