BURNLEY has lodged its bid for £20 million government cash boost for two of the most deprived areas of town.

Burnley Wood and Accrington Road districts are the focus for the latest Single Regeneration Budget application by Burnley Regeneration Forum -- the partnership of council and other groups aiming to build a better Burnley.

If successful -- and a decision will be made in August -- the money will be spent on:

Strongly supporting community groups, enabling them to develop their own initiatives in future.

Helping tackle Burnley's large drug problem.

Tackling some of the town's worst housing conditions, through a mix of clearance, maintenance initiatives, a good landlord scheme and energy advice.

Helping residents with education and learning support and assisting business in the areas.

Forum chiefs stress there is no guarantee of success -- two years' ago a bid centred on the Daneshouse district was rejected -- but they are optimistic they can get the go-ahead this time around.

Forum chairman Stuart Caddy said: "This is an exciting opportunity for Burnley and builds on the successful regeneration initiatives that have been undertaken in the borough."