WITH regard to your article in The Citizen (June 1), yes the NHS could be a lot better if they would stop wasting money -- eg "we'll shut that unit, build a new one somewhere else and it'll only cost a couple of million."

Why shut down something when it is working perfectly all right?

Why do we have all these people who sit behind their desks to see how they can spend the money?

Let them balance the books properly. How much is this great idea of Mr Milburn's costing in paper, printing and office staff wages?

How many problems will be pushed aside until this has come to an end? And how many trees will have to be lost for the paper?

They need to balance the books properly and spend money on essential things only.

Wait until things are sorted out before you even dream of pulling down all the working areas and building new ones -- then we will have a decent NHS.

P Robinson,

Derby Road,
