DOES anyone recall when the Letters Page was awash with diverse opinions? What a joy!

Those days, I'm afraid, have been swept away in the wake of Brave New Labour, who stifle reasoned debate in a quagmire of Political Correctness.

Like a clutch of clones incapable of independent thought, they trot out the same old chestnuts about racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, positive discrimination and, now, elitism.

With Blair's and Brown's privileged educations how dare they? These discontented drones take themselves so incredibly seriously.

As an old Labourite, I sympathise with Councillor Williams who was labelled a clown for suggesting bringing in a celebrity to stand against Jack Straw. That could work in an area where free speech from free thinkers is cherished as a right, but certainly not here!

These self-important scribblers, with their schoolboy mentality, could learn much from an old-timer like Tony Benn, who is instantly accessible to all.

He actually listens to people. I would vote for the first politician of any hue brave enough to oust Political Correctness in all its absurd forms and rid us of these brainwashed individuals who would have us all thinking, speaking and acting in their own robotic mould.

Mr Blobby may yet be elected to Parliament by these oafs -- providing he sports his Red Nose of course.

In the meantime, this unrepentant old xenophobe will still, in the face of all opposition, enjoy Last Night of the Proms and revel in 'Land of Hope and Glory.'

J CROWTHER, Warmden Gardens, Blackburn.