DAVID Shirley died after being struck by a car as he returned to work after collecting his lunch from a road-side cafe, an inquest heard.

The hearing was told that Mr Shirley banged his head on the kerb after a low speed collision in Salthill Road, Clitheroe.

Mr Shirley, 58, of Selkirk Street, Burnley, worked as a toolmaker for Ja-Tech Products on the Salthill Industrial estate in Clitheroe.

Driver's mate Lee Gibson said he had been delivering to Ultraframe and was waiting at the barrier when he saw a man leave the serving hatch of the mobile food caravan. He said the man appeared to be in a world of his own and looked towards them as the barrier began to lift to let them out.

"He did not look to the right, he just stepped out into the road from behind the caravan," said Mr Gibson, who at the same time saw a silver car. Mr Shirley stepped straight in front of the vehicle and his legs were taken from under him. After rolling over the bonnet he fell off and Mr Gibson saw his head hit the kerb.

Mr Gibson said the car was travelling slowly, somewhere between 10 and 20mph.

The driver, Jonathon Brown, of Hawthorn Place, Clitheroe, told police that he had just turned into Salthill Road, when a man came out from behind a white van.

A police accident inspector said damage to the car indicated a very low speed impact and it would seem the worst of the injuries were caused by the bang on the kerb.

The medical cause of death was given as head injuries.

Recording a verdict of accidental death, coroner Michael Singleton praised the decision made by Mr Shirley's family to offer his organs for transplant.

"That was a very generous and public spirited thing to do at a moment of great personal grief," said Mr Singleton.