REGENERATION chiefs were today celebrating after they hit the jackpot with a cash injection of more than £55 million for projects in East Lancashire.

Among the winners of the Government's Single Regeneration Budget windfall payout was the East Lancashire Partnership, which has been given £5 million.

Thanks to that cash, plus extra backing from the public and private sectors, a £23.04 million project to create what they call the North West's first "regional park" moves a step closer to reality.

The ambitious concept will involve scores of new projects being launched within the boundaries of East Lancashire's six local authorities, all of which will share the same aim -- to provide access to quality outdoor space and facilities for East Lancashire's most deprived communities.

The area's image should also receive a boost as part of the project, and the number of tourists visiting the area is expected to rocket once the seven-year project is completed. It should also boost recreational, cultural and sporting opportunities for communities currently lacking such facilities.

Colin Taylor, from the East Lancashire Partnership, based at the Globe Centre in Accrington said the £5million windfall should now unlock funds from other sources enabling the £23 million project to go ahead.

The North West Development Agency was given £225 million to divide between competing projects from across the region and today's announcement includes: £8million for Hyndburn FIRST to breathe new life into West Accrington and Church; £20million towards a £45million community programme in Burnley, mainly based on Burnley Wood and Accrington Road which are earmarked for major home improvement and demolition of derelict property; £12million for a £62.62million programme based on Nelson and Brierfield which aims to support house improvements with a package of measures to boost education, create jobs, improve the local environment and encourage new small businesses; £5million for a regeneration scheme planned by Bacup and Stacksteads Community Partnership and a further £5million to "promote environmental good practice throughout the North West." Coun Malcolm Doherty, Blackburn with Darwen council leader and chairman of the East Lancashire Partnership, said: "The regional Park is a key element of our 20 year strategy for East Lancashire launched in April.

"By making this announcement the Regional Development Agency has understood its importance to our future.

"The park is going to raise the profile and image of East Lancashire as a great place to visit, work and live."

Although £4 million less than the bid submitted by Hyndburn FIRST -- the borough council's regeneration firm -- the money will mean low-quality houses will make way for an area residents can be proud of, council leader and bid chairman Peter Britcliffe today promised.

He said: "We have worked so hard for this.

"We want to provide people in that area with an area they can be proud and that includes providing them with facilities which they desperately need.

"This is excellent news for the borough of Hyndburn, and I am delighted for the people of West Accrington and Church who will finally see some good work done in their area."

The money will also be used to bring in new businesses to the rundown area, which is still reeling from the announcement that 550 jobs will be lost at Leoni Wiring Systems, which is based right in the heart of the area being targeted by the SRB money.

Coun Britcliffe added: "Without this cash injection, I fear there would have been a disaster in Hyndburn.

"We have lost European Assisted Area Status and a lot of jobs as well.

"We really need this and it makes the future all the much brighter for the area.

"It isn't as much as we bid for but it is enough to do a lot to that area."

A further £13 million will be sought from the private sector and other public sources.

The funding announcements were made by former Burnley Council leader Kath Reade, now a member of the NWDA board, today at Karrimor Plc in Clayton-le-Moors.

She said: "The North West Development Agency's long term plan is aimed at ensuring growth of the region's economy in a dynamic and sustainable way, while ensuring everyone here benefits and all these projects fit the bill."