BLACKBURN Rovers are ready to listen to offers for out-of-favour striker Egil Ostenstad.

Sources close to the club today revealed the Norwegian international no longer figures in manager Graeme Souness's long term plans.

And that means any bids in the region of £2-2.5m will persuade the club to part with the player.

It was Souness who first launched the 28-year-old's career in England when he signed him from Norwegian club Viking as manager of Southampton.

But the player has failed to make much of an impact at Ewood since arriving as part of a swop-deal involving Kevin Davis at the beginning of last season.

Over the summer he has become Souness's fourth choice striker with the likes of Matt Jansen, Nathan Blake and Ashley Ward preferred in the friendlies.

And the writing was on the wall last week when Ewood chief Souness admitted he had been disappointed with his contribution since he came to the club as manager.

"I've been disappointed in what I've seen of Egil since I came to Blackburn, but if that's a criticism, then it's an honest one," said Souness.

"What he did at Southampton he hasn't done at Blackburn.

"But unfortunately for strikers, they are in the position where everything is black and white.

"You are a success by statistics."

The likes of Everton and Coventry City have both been linked with a move for the player over the summer.

But City chairman Bryan Richardson today quashed further speculation in the national newspapers linking him with a move to Highfield Road.

"There's nothing in that at all," said Richardson.