A BLITZ on boozing teenagers in Darwen resulted in gallons of alcohol being seized and binned.

Plain clothes police confiscated 120 cans and six bottles of strong cider from youths as young as 13 during the undercover swoop, code named Operation Term.

Two off-licence workers also face possbile charges as a result of the week-long crackdown, which police say will continue throughout the summer.

Police officers say they caught the workers selling alcohol to two 15-year-old girls.

Letters are being prepared as part of the juvenille referral scheme and will be sent to the parents of all the young people stopped during Operation Term.

Inspector Tracie O'Gara of Darwen Police said: "The aim of the operation is to reduce crime and disorder, and increase public confidence.

"We are targetting anti-social behaviour which is often fuelled by alcohol. The public of Darwen feel strongly about this issue. "We want to send out a strong message that we will not tolerate anti-social behaviour, vandalism and general nuisance.

"We are also determined to take positive action against off-licences who persistantly break the law by selling alcohol to under 18s.

"They will be reported and could have their licences revoked."

Teams of more than 10 officers travelled the streets of Darwen on foot and in patrol cars during the operation.

Two arrests were made as a result of their efforts. One for a breach of bail condition and another for a public order offence.

Picture: Police officers pour into the sink 120 cans of beer seized during their operation to catch under-age drinkers in Darwen