JOHN Kelly is enjoying a champagne lifestyle -- earning a crust as a professional toastmaster!

The former Darwen cafe owner is part of an elite group which gives an extra dimension to every type of social function.

And he even helped the Queen Mum celebrate her 100th birthday in style last week, with a giant bottle of bubbly.

The Guild of International Toastmasters -- armed with a Nebuchadnezzar of champagne -- were invited to Clarence House to mark the centenary.

Mr Kelly, 54, grew up in Bolton and ran two cafes and a general store in Darwen before settling in Herefordshire.

He has been involved with the guild for two years and also runs a small care home. "Presenting the champagne is something the Guild has done for 25 years on her birthday. We were the only party to be admitted into Clarence House this special year to hand over the gift," he explained.

"The atmosphere was marvellous. The love emanating from the huge crowd of different nationalities was stupendous."

"I was looking to do something different and liked the idea of being a toastmaster and master of ceremonies. I was lucky enough to be invited to join the Guild after observing members at work and completing in a training course," explained Mr Kelly, who has attended a host of society events for the rich and famous but still makes regular visits to East Lancashire to see family and friends.

"There are very strict limits on membership and only the creme-de-la-creme are admitted. Baroness Thatcher was at my installation.

"I have met a lot of celebrities through my work but never give any details."

Picture: Toastmasters outside Clarence House on the Queen Mum's Birthday with John Kelly second from the right.