A VICTIM of theft armed himself with a kitchen knife and went into a town centre to try and get his property back.

Burnley magistrates heard how David Shackleton, 28, had the eight-inch bladed weapon tucked down the waistband of his trousers when he was approached by police in Haslingden.

Shackleton, of Bury Road, Haslingden, admitted possessing an offensive weapon and failing to surrender and was fined a total of £175, with £65 costs. Richard Taylor, defending, said Shackleton had not been in trouble for seven years.

He had missed his court appearance, as he had been working nights, missed his alarm call and woken up late. He was a hard-working young man.

The defendant had been walking through Haslingden town centre when he had been accosted by a number of men brandishing a knife, who had taken his mobile phone from him. He went home, got the kitchen knife and went back into the town centre to try and get his mobile phone back. It was an act of stupidity for which the defendant apologised.