LANCASTER and Morecambe College's new computer centre in Carnforth is now fully functional and offering a wide range of courses.

The new £45,000 facility in Ash Tree Way, Market Street, is equipped with the latest information and communication technology, including video conferencing and internet access.

The centre can take up to 15 students and a programme of courses starting in mid-September is now being offered.

The courses include computer literacy, internet technologies, digital imaging, web page design and desk top publishing.

John Perry said: "The college has been offering computer training at Carnforth High School for the last five years and the courses are very successful. However, they were delivered by our mobile team on laptop computers which, although excellent, are not really suitable to deliver training in Internet technology."

He added: "For the past 12 months we have been looking for premises where we could set up a permanent network of machines which can deliver the latest technology. This is a real asset to Carnforth and the surrounding area."

The college is holding an open day at the centre on September 9 between 10am and 2pm.

For more details call 0800 306306.