REGARDING your "Clean Up Blackpool" letters, last year my daughter worked in Blackpool town centre. On one occasion she was dressing the window when she heard a tap on the glass.

She turned round to see these men drop their trousers and bare their rear ends at her. I used to sit in my car in Tower Street to wait for her finishing work to take her home. I got fed up watching men use the brick wall as a urinal. I even stopped a patrol car once to tell a policeman, but unfortunately he missed them.

The other day we saw a mature man stop his car in Garstang Road, get out and do what he had to do on the main road.

We have seen naked men riding down the prom in sandals on a Sunday afternoon. We have seen the most revolting messages emblazoned on T-shirts. Like a lot of our family and friends we avoid going into Blackpool if we possibly can. What a shame it has come to that.

We also think men should cover up while in the town centre, especially in eating places. It is very off-putting to be in sight of hairy armpits and beer bellies while trying to eat your meal.

While in America I saw a security guard ask a man to put his shirt on while in the shopping mall. There seems to be no standards here any more.

Mrs M.V. Ellis,

Dove Close,
