DURING the local elections in May, I received visits from two candidates looking for my vote.

I told them that, among other things, the back alleys and streets were strewn with litter and that the council's policy on parking was crucifying many of the local businesses. I asked them what they would do, and both replied that they would personally ensure that a clean up would be undertaken and that they would investigate the parking problems.

Both were subsequently elected and now, four months later, there is absolutely no evidence that so much as a tin can has been cleaned up and parking is still a nightmare. Since councillors get a free parking permit to allow them to park almost anywhere, they seem to miss or ignore the plight of locals and visitors alike.

Yet again I believe this demonstrates that candidates from the London- based political parties will tell us anything at election times just to secure our votes.

Blackpool is crumbling, tourism is faltering, the council is staring over the bankruptcy precipice.

Who is suffering because of their incompetence and inactivity? The residents and businesses of Blackpool.

Ken Coups,

Foxhall ward organiser,

Blackpool First Alliance.