NOW the fuel demonstration-cum-strike is temporarily easing off, it is time to take stock of what can now be learned about the British people.

First, Thatcherism, the "Me first, and the rest of you nowhere!" outlook, is doing very nicely thank you. If the Tories didn't actually organise this strike, they were certainly well represented among the leaders.

Secondly, the newspapers did a poor job of presenting the facts about who set the current level of fuel taxes. This present government actually mitigated some of the worst aspects of the Tories' legislation.

Thirdly, and for me the most worrying, the police did nothing about controlling the anarchy.

What happened to all the laws we have, such as cooling-off periods, strike ballots, secondary picketing and against intimidation.

What happened to the baton charges, practised on the miners, who we now know were actually fighting for their livelihoods?

HARRY TALBOT, Parkwood Road, Blackburn.