A WAITRESS at one of Preston's oldest coffee shops is hanging up her apron after almost half a century.

Jacqueline Livingstone, who celebrates her 60th birthday on September 25, has worked at Brucciani's Cafe, in Fishergate, since her early teens.

Now, after serving thousands of cuppas to many of the town's visitors, Jacqueline, from Penwortham, is ready to retire and put her feet up after 45 years. Over the years, the well-loved waitress, seen here with manageress Janice Porter, has seen many changes at the cafe, which opened in 1932.

And she has handed out cups of tea and coffee to plenty of famous faces including former Preston North End players Howard Kendal and Sir Tom Finney as well as ex-Dr Who actor Tom Baker.

She said: "When I started we sold cakes, biscuits and ice cream. Back then it was a traditional parlour and we used to get people queuing up outside to sample the ice cream which was home-made in the cellar.

"Although the shop has changed hands many times it's never lost its charm and friendly atmosphere. "I've enjoyed my work because I've met some lovely people -- the people we get in here are more friends than customers and it's like one big family."

The cafe was established by John and Ellie Brucciani and taken over by their nephews Lorenzo and Michael in the early 1970s.

Later came Chris Hoole, from Cafe Inns, who ran the shop until the firm was bought out by Jennings Breweries last year.

But Chris loved his time at the shop so much that he decided to purchase Brucciani's for himself and run it as a family business.

Jacqueline said: "Chris has made Brucciani's a traditional family-run cafe.

"I'm still good friends with Michael Brucciani and go on holiday with him every two years." To celebrate her retirement Jacqueline was presented with a bouquet of flowers from staff and customers including local man Roland Carter, who has been having brews at Bruccianni's for 50 years.