HERO Olympian Ian Peel today touched down in Britain still celebrating his amazing silver medal.

Ian, from Great Harwood, gained silver in the trap event, which is similar to clay pigeon shooting, over the weekend.

It was the first British Olympic medal for shooting since 1968.

After making the return flight from Australia, Ian is guaranteed a hero's welcome when he returns to the Hyndburn town where he lives. His wife Mary, a staff nurse at Springhill nursing home, Accrington, said she couldn't wait to see her husband again. She said: "Now that Ian is back I will give him a day to recover and then it's back to the grindstone again.

"When I last spoke to him I think he was still in shock. You always hope to win but I don't think he expected to get a medal.

"We are all very proud of him and we are receiving up to 50 calls a day from well-wishers."

However, his young son Christopher is a bit baffled by all the fuss. Mary added: "He can't figure out why everyone is celebrating the fact his dad didn't win.

"He is always used to seeing him come first."

But despite her husband's success, Mary still admits she isn't a fan of the sport

. She added: "It is the most boring sport to watch you can imagine."