IT'S been a hit on the old satellite telly for months, and pretty soon those of us with real TV will be able to see Futurama, Matt Groening's follow-up to The Simpsons,

The cartoon, set 1,000 years into the future, is massive both sides of the Pond, and will shortly be made into a game.

How do I know this? Because my spies in cyberspace have given me the word.

Any road up, the Futurama game is being developed by Swedish firm UDS and will take its place on the Fox Interactive website which is packed with fun stuff designed to keep you amused and Rupert Murdoch rich.

There are downloads, info about games and teasers for future attractions. As well as Futurama -- the Game, gamers can look forward to Simpson's Wrestling in the very near future.

There are also games tie-ins with other great shows such as the X-Files and the ever wonderful Buffy the Vampire Slayer. There are film tie-ins too, with games for Titanic, the Alien movies and Die Hard trilogy.

You can check out UDS' other games at their site. This has some cool stuff as well, and you can even get the chance to trial some games if you sign up to their global fun site. You might be better clicking the English bit unless your Swedish is pretty fluent. Oh, and be careful which Swedish websites you wander into on your travels around cyberspace. You never know what you might find.

Red Rose rises

LANCASHIRE County Council are following Tony Blair's lead and putting E-Government at the heart of their work.

Readers may remember in last week's column I outlined the Government's commitment to get themselves online, and the good burghers at County Hall are right up there.

As reported in Tuesday's Lancashire Evening Telegraph, the County Council are appointing an e-councillor to sit on their cabinet and head up a bid to make sure the council are online -- and the people of God's own county are not left behind in the digital revolution.

Fine words indeed, and lets hope they come to fruition. As more and more information comes online, it means that households who aren't online have much more to miss every day.

And the council are aiming to put more and more information about its services -- and more actual services on the Tri-W, that means people could really miss out on some very important stuff.

So well done Lancashire County Council, and let's see a few more town halls round these parts follow suit, eh?

You can check out the County Council's internet strategy on their site.

Soccer update

OUR much-improved football sites just get better and better. We are now updating match reports for Blackburn Rovers and Burnley before, during and after every match, and loading action pictures within hours of the final whistle.

So, if you can't get to the match you can still follow your heroes online. The news will be updated as normal with the news export, and pictures and more details will be linked from the fixtures list you can find on the site.

Two-wheel heroes

ROSSENDALE Bike Show is absolutely one of the finest days out in Lancashire: fun for all the family guaranteed.

Where else can you can get your petrol tank painted, watch a parade of some of the finest two-wheeled iron on the planet, see some great displays and some fine stunt riding.

And now it's right here in cyberspace.

The site contains all the info about the show, from opening times to attractions to the good causes that will benefit from the day. There is also a message board so all you two wheeled heroes out there can check out who's going and track down some old friends from yesteryear.

An Olympian task ahead

I'M still bitter about my home city losing out on the chance to host the Olympics, but Lancastrians do seem to be at the forefront of Britain's medal chase, so maybe there is some cause for rejoicing in the north west after all.

And we've not forgotten that the games of the 27th (is that many? Answers on a postcard...) Olympiad are going on down under, and to celebrate we have dreamt up a particularly fiendish special quiz to test your knowledge of the biggest sporting festival on the planet.

And you can always check out the official Olympics site, if that's your cup of tea.

Fuel protests: What you thought about it

WE set up a special page on This is Lancashire last week as the country ground to a halt during the fuel crisis.

And we asked you, the Great British Public, what you thought of the protestors' action -- and here are the results:

We asked: "Do you agree with the protest?"

You answered:

Yes: Cut fuel tax now! 64%.

No: Fuel tax should stay high to protect the environment: 20%.

I agree fuel tax is too high, but disagree with the protestors' methods: 8%.

I agree fuel tax is too high but they should have stopped their protest before things got so serious: 8%.

The people have spoken. Any local MPs (and I believe we have the odd one who may have the ear of Government round these parts) should read, mark, learn and inwardly digest...

Stop press: the page went back up within minutes of the panic buying being reported on Tuesday. Hey people: get a grip eh? It's only a car.

WE set up a special page on This is Lancashire last week as the country ground to a halt during the fuel crisis. And we asked you, the Great British Public, what you thought of the protesters' action -- and here are the results:

We asked: "Do you agree with the protest?"

You answered:

Yes: Cut fuel tax now! 64%

No: fuel tax should stay high to protect the environment 20%

I agree fuel tax is too high, but disagree with the protestors' methods 8%

I agree fuel tax is too high but they should have stopped their protest before things got so serious 8%

The people have spoken. Any local MPs (and I believe we have the odd one who may have the ear of Government round these parts) should read, mark, learn and inwardly digest...

Stop press: the page went back up within minutes of the panic buying being reported on Tuesday. Hey people: get a grip eh? It's only a car.