BLACKPOOL Zoo could cause a bit of splash when it takes part in Blackpool Environment Week which begins next Monday (September 25).

North West Water's "Amazing World of Water" mobile visitor centre will be on site on Saturday September 30 along with its mascot "Wilbur."

Plus the zoo will be running a whole host of other green activities during the environment week, which runs from September 25-October 1.

The high-tech North West Water exhibition gives visitors the chance to experience an informative journey through the world of water and tells how important it is to conserve supplies.

And Wilbur will be helping you do this by handing out special water-saving devices.

The Zoo will also be running a sculpture competition for all children aged up to 16 throughout the environment week. The competition is for the best sculpture made from recycled materials and entrants must bring their creations to the zoo before the closing date on September 30. As a reward, you and your sculpture will enjoy free admission to the zoo. The creator of the best sculpture will win a brand new mountain bike.

During the day's events, as part of Environment Week, the zoo will be featuring environmental exhibits and themes, including the Conservation Pledge Forest, an area where visitors can make their own particular environment promise.