A NEW playground has really opened doors for pupils at a special Blackpool school.

Headteacher of Highfurlong school, Eddy Jackson, found funding for a safe playground when it became clear the youngsters aged 3-8 years were not enjoying full use of their recently acquired walking skills.

Senior physiotherapist Glenys Nottingham said: "It may not seem like a major development, but for our children it's the difference between restriction to the classroom and being able to play like any other child.

"Many of our children learn to walk for the first time at Highfurlong, but they couldn't get outside to make full use of their skills because there was just nowhere safe for them to play.

"Now the children have a much better quality of school life. A concrete square has been cordoned off, covered with rubberised safety tarmac and converted into a play area with an Oxford reading tree and educational toys.

"There is a danger that children with physical difficulties can feel trapped in the classroom or walking frame and life can lose its challenge.

"But just one look at the faces of the children and the way they are interacting with the able-bodied children makes you see how beneficial it is."

Dinner ladies from the Blackpool Old Road school also chipped in to provide some of the fun equipment for the playground including wind chimes and therapy balls.