I HAVE followed the reports regarding the bus station and we now have a statement from the Town Clerk that it will not be demolished but will have to be 'changed'.

What does this double speak mean?

I am intrigued to hear that the bus station loses £250,000 per annum and wonder how that can happen if good management is employed.

Turning to the second bus station site near the station, as suggested by the Town Clerk.

Firstly an adequate shuttle bus service from the railway station to the bus station would meet the needs of rail passengers.

Secondly, where will this bus station be sited? Butler Street already has a shoppers' car park, Virgin rail own the railway car park and it seems unlikely that either owner would choose to relinquish their sites which have been developed to serve their own customers. The existing bus station was built for a specific purpose and serves that purpose well -- no matter what councillors and full time staff suggest.

If the current bus station is cold and poorly lit and if the tunnel to Tithebarn Street causes concern then sliding doors at the bus stands on the Stagecoach side of the station could easily be erected, lighting be improved and CCTV equipment fitted to monitor activities and ease the mind of elderly travellers.

W I Etherington, Glenluce Drive, Farringdon Park, Preston