A MAN was jabbed in the face with a broken bottle and beaten about the head in a vicious unprovoked attack in Blackpool on September 8.

At around 2.3 am the man and two friends were walking down Corporation Street when they were approached by two men.

One grabbed the man and pushed him against a wall before punching him twice in the face.

The other attacker then took a bottle and hit the man in the eye, breaking the glass, before jabbing the broken bottle into the man's face. Both attackers then ran off and the victim was taken to hospital to have glass removed from his eye.

One man is described as being of mixed race or dark complexion, in his early twenties, 5ft 7ins, stocky, wearing a beige shirt.

The other is white, early twenties, 5ft 7ins, stocky, with short blond hair and wearing a white polo shirt. A 59-YEAR-OLD man received cuts to his arms and hands when he tried to fend off two attackers, one of whom had a 12-inch knife.

The man was standing outside his flat on Princess Court, Princess Street, Blackpool, on September 7 at around 10.10am, when the two men threatened him with the blade.

The knife attacker then tried to stab him, but was fended off before the two men stole the victim's wallet and tried to remove gold jewellery from his fingers and wrists.

One man is described as being aged in the late twenties to early thirties, 6ft 1in tall, slim, with short, straight dark hair, unshaven, wearing a scruffy baseball cap and he spoke with a Belfast accent.

The other man was described as being in his twenties, medium build, with short, dark gingery hair, unshaven and also wearing an old baseball cap.

A MAN indecently exposed himself in front of a 19-year-old woman and her friend in Keswick Road, Blackpool, on September 8 at around 3am.

The woman was walking with her friend when the man began to follow them before attracting their attention and performing an indecent act.

He then began to approach the friends, before running off.

He is described as "scruffy looking", 5ft 7ins tall, medium build, with short, brown hair brushed forward, bad spots and a short cream/brown jacket.