A SERIES of environmental schemes are set to take place in Blackburn and Darwen over the coming months.

The projects are being funded by a £74,000 grant from the town hall and are due to take place during the autumn.

The improvement schemes, all of which have involved consultation with local residents, are in:

Mill Hill -- improvements to pedestrian access from the railway track, along the canal to the main shopping area

Belmont Village Green -- drainage and improvements works to footpaths and seating, as well as landscaping work to be carried in response to local residents wishes

Galligreaves Youth Shelter -- erection of a new youth shelter and the creation of a communal garden, requested by the Community Association and Community Centre

Bull Hill, Darwen -- enhancing a former landfill site with the creation of a carpark and improved footpath access

Kelvin Street, Darwen -- landscaping of a small plot of land between houses and allotments.

Springfield Street, Darwen -- landscaping of derelict land to the rear of the flats

Shorey Bank, Darwen -- the final part of a larger scheme, this phase will provide lighting to footpaths in line with local residents wishes.