A YOUNGSTER was beaten and had his bike stolen on the driveway of his home -- as his father stood just yards away, unaware of what was happening.

Ayaaz Sheikh, eight, was playing on his £140 British Eagle suspension bike when two youths -- one on a bike -- approached him and demanded his bike.

When he refused, the two lads banged his head against the wall and snatched the bike from him before riding off.

"Taking his bike is one thing but beating him up as well on his own doorstep in broad daylight is awful," said his mum, Jay.

"He was in shock for a couple of days and is still very upset.

"All his friends have bikes and he cannot play out with them at the moment."

St Matthew's Primary pupil Ayaaz, who lives in Thorn Hill Close, Blackburn, got the bike for his eighth birthday last May. When the lads, described as aged between 12 and 15, grabbed his bike, he gave chase, but to no avail.

His dad Habib, who was in the kitchen at the time of the attack, came out when he heard the noise but the thieves had gone.

"We have told him we will get him another bike when we can afford it," said Jay.

"But at the moment he is heartbroken. The bike was his pride and joy."

A spokesman for Blackburn Police confirmed the incident and added: "To target a young boy playing in the driveway of his own home is terrible and these robbers did not appear to be bothered that the boy's father was only yards away."

The bike was red and black and had one reflector. The theft happened at 4pm on Sunday. Anyone with information can contact police on 01254 51212.