NEW Labour enjoyed a landslide election victory thanks to their claim to be the "people's party". Since gaining power they have spent millions of pounds sending out companies to canvas public opinion. Yet when the public are informing them what our opinions are, they do not listen.

The true situation for the Government is that for every penny increase in petrol they raise £60 million in revenue. The scandal behind the increases in the last year means that even if New Labour were to decrease duty by 8p they would still receive more than Gordon Brown expected when he set out on his spending plans 18 months ago.

Some left wing sympathisers refer to Mr Blair as Tony Blur but that is a serious mistake in itself. The only thing that Blair and the Conservatives have in common is a power-mad meglomaniac as a party leader. It took the Conservatives 17 years to wake up to that reality and they dumped her. Hopefully it will not take as long for the country to dump New Labour.

I remember a reference to them some time ago as New Labour -- New Taxes and I am sorry to say that this has been proved correct. They claim to listen but they fail to even grasp the simple fact that people are hurting in real life and have had enough of increasingly heavy taxation.

Make no mistake about the fuel demonstrations, this was a crisis created in Downing Street!

Tom Carr,

Lytham Road, Blackpool.