USUALLY the only thing to get me shouting at the TV is a talking politician or sport.

But on Monday I caught a documentary on Channel 4 about vulcanologists which had me shouting "Get out of the flipping way you mad geologist type!" so loud that I nearly woke up little baby Lewis (she's fine, and turned one the other week, thanks for asking).

These people were merrily standing next to erupting volcanoes so they could collect fresh lava samples from the aptly named bombs of lava landing heavily around them. Another was interviewed and said: "I don't care if I die tomorrow". Guess who caught the 9.37am pyroclastic surge next morning?

So impressed was I with these extreme sportsmen of science that I searched the web for all things Vulcanological (and no, that's nothing to do with Spock's home planet).

A peachy site comes from those wacky funsters at Michigan Technological University, which includes images from the Montserrat volcano featured in Monday's programme. and even has a section of Volcanic humour ("A lighter side to living with volcanoes").

Cool. Well, very, very, very hot, in fact.