I TOO sympathise with the animal lover from Haresfinch (Dear Star. November 2) as I have a dog and live around the corner on the Islands Brow estate.

I would go further to lobby the Government on behalf of all animal owners and lovers of animals, and birds, too, to make the sale of fireworks and bangers to the general public illigal. The only fireworks should be at properly-organised firework displays. I have thought this for at least 20 years, long before owning an animal.

It has been total stupidity and madness this last week through very loud airburst type rocket and bangers going off at all times of the day and night, I am glad it's over.

I, too, used to love Bonfire Night when I was young, but that was in the days when parents were more responsible and also a lot older and wiser than the morons I have to put up with in this town.

ANIMAL lover, Islands Brow (name and address supplied).