RESIDENTS claim they are being terrorised by gangs of youths congregating outside their homes.

Joan Humphries, 63, has lived in a flat in Ropers Bridge Close, Whiston, for 10 years and she says the problem has got steadily worse.

In the latest incident, both Joan and a neighbour had large stones hurled at their front doors, which, she says, could have caused serious injuries if either had been hit.

She told the Star: "It is mostly pensioners who live in these flats and we are all terrified of going outside after dark because of these young people. They are all about 15 or 16 and I've no idea where they come from.

"However, there is a narrow pathway between our row of flats and Halsnead Primary School which is where they all congregate.

"We get all sorts thrown at our doors and windows -- including eggs, bricks and pieces of concrete -- if we were hit by anything it could do a lot of damage.

"I cook meals for some of the older residents here and everyone is upset by this. I've reported it to the police and they say I should speak to the council about getting the pathway blocked up, but the council say it is a police matter. So what are we supposed to do?"

A spokesman for Knowsley Council told the Star: "The pathway in question is a major thoroughfare for all the residents who live in that community and is, therefore, well used by all sections of the estate.

"The issue of youngsters has been addressed by the erection of a perimeter fence and the planting of borders to prevent trespassing on the open plan land. We will, however, continue to work closely with local schools, local police and other partners in an effort to reduce any problems."