A PRE-SCHOOL in Darwen is hoping to raise £100,000 to create a new, purpose-built centre after being told to leave its current home.

Kitten's playgroup moved to St Edwards RC Primary School on Blackburn Road a year ago but, due to reduced class sizes and the large intake of pupils expected at the school next year, Kitten's must find a new home.

If the fund-raising plan is successful, it hopes re-locate to bigger and better premises within the school grounds, providing more services and more choice for parents.

Other options including leasing, portable building.

The pre-school, which is a voluntary managed charity, has six full-time and one part-time staff members and currently run morning and afternoon sessions for two to four-year-olds.

Kitten's manager Jane Pollard said: "The pre-school has built up an excellent reputation in the area so we want to keep it in the school grounds. It serves everyone so well to have it here, close to the school."

This week the pre-school will launch a major fund-raising and publicity campaign and hope to fund raise locally and apply for Lottery grants to raise the £100,000.

Jane said: "The staff here work closely with the reception teachers on the foundations stage curriculum so that it creates a seamless tansition from pre-school to formal education."

Maureen Askew, pre-school development worker for Blackburn with Darwen Early Learning Years Development and Childcare Partnership, said: "It is regrettable that they have had to take back this space from the pre-school. But the school have put forward alternative venues and will support them in their new premises.

Jane said: "The parents are a bit worried because there isn't anywhere else for their children to go. The other pre-schools is on the other side of town. But we've had a lot of support and they parents are coming up with ideas to fund raise.

Mum Vicky Weddle, who has children at both schools, said: "I've got child at the school and at the pre-school so I can see both sides.

"With the work that has gone into making pre-school what it is, it's devastating that we are going to have to raise that much money. But we are very positive about doing it.

"One of the great advantages of having the pre-school here is that when my child moved over to St Edward's, the transition was so easy, she knew the school, she knew the teachers."

Alyson Grundy, headteacher of St Edwards said: "There was no way we could have anticipated the demand for places.

We have worked well with Kitten's and we enjoy a good relationship with them. We hope that will continue." JANE POLLARD

"Excellent reputation"