YOU JUST know you are going to come home aching after a Bill Bailey gig. His one-night Charter Theatre appearance on Sunday was no exception.

If you catch up with him at any of his forthcoming Wilderness Tour dates prepare to be kick-boxed into delicious hysterics by his sheer energy and manic humour.

This man is unbelievably funny -- shoving stand-up, classical music, rock music, high-brow thought and popular culture into one big melting pot -- with crazy results.

No 'Insect Nation' recital at his Preston gig -- fans will know what I mean -- but plenty of bongo, rock guitar and keyboard moments.

Sunday night's highlights included music based on the sampled singing of two hapless audience members which had everyone rolling in the aisles.

Plus a scary rendition of the 'missing middle section' of the Magic Roundabout theme tune -- I bet you never knew Zebedee actually sounds like Darth Vader.

If you've never heard of Bill Bailey, his TV appearances include BBC's The Stand Up Show, Channel 4's Never Mind the Buzzcocks, Room 101and Des O'Connor Tonight to name just a few.

Bill Bailey started his career dressing up as an owl for a children's theatre company -- which says it all, really. And because he leaves all ages and types helpless with laughter, he'll definitely be around for a long time to come. Here's hoping for his swift return to Preston.