WIGAN Metro is seeking friends to be there for the lonely people being cared for by social services.

It has launched a befriending scheme and is calling for people with time on their hands to offer regular companionship to people who find themselves isolated from mainstream society.

Scheme co-ordinator, Allan Hemmingway, said: "The formula for the scheme is similar to that of the TV show -- it's about people providing support to others who need it . It can be fun too.

"New befrienders say they feel they are doing something worthwhile and making new friends at the same time.

"Befriending obviously requires a special kind of commitment, but volunteers can also get a lot in return. They can gain professional training and skills, simply through being part of a rewarding and fulfilling friendship."

Anyone interested should contact Allan on 01942 828766 or e.mail a.hemingway@wiganmbc.gov.uk.