I AM driven to write this letter after having been to the South Ribble area committee meeting on Wednesday, November 2.

I'm outraged by the misrepresentation of facts about Lancashire County Council's draft Waste Management Strategy as portrayed by the officer present. She implied the targets were high and represented enormous cost to the ratepayer.

We all produce waste and it's about time that LCC took responsibility for its safe disposal.

I was very pleased that Farington Parish Council were able to defend themselves against the incineration that is planned to encompass Preston and surrounding areas.

But why were the other Parish councils so quiet? -- Have they had the wool pulled over their eyes that so called energy from waste (which is very minimum) or in true layman term incineration is safe?

We have a problem that can only be solved through intensive recycling targets. Not just paper collected once a fortnight. LCC's targets are pathetic, 31 per cent in 10 years and 50 per cent in 20 years.

If we don't raise these targets, Lancashire will have a series of energy from waste plants (incinerators), to burn the waste, contaminate the air, land and water with toxic ash and dioxins, which will harm human health in the process.

At present, Newcastle has to deal with toxins from incinerators. Do we wish the same to happen here?

J Scott, Croston Road,

Farington Moss, Leyland