WIGAN Council have helped make sure an Atherton Church is "ticking" along nicely.

The clock on Atherton Parish Church has been given a £3,800 new gold finish, which was mostly funded by Wigan Council's Brighter Borough Initiative.

Cllr Sue Loudon said: "The Parish Church has been an important landmark for over 100 years. The ward councillors are pleased to be able to contribute Brighter Borough money for the re-gilding of the clock faces, which has enhanced this wonderful building."

A new ramp for the Church will ensure the building is fully accessible for every parishioner, including wheelchair users.

The Church has splashed out £11,000 to build the ramp and were also given a boost by a £1,700 access grant from Wigan Council.

The ramp is made out of stone to match the building and Rector of Atherton, Rev Bill Baldwin, said it fitted in so well some people did not realise it has not been there all the time!

"The ramp has certainly made a difference to ease access to the building and is being well used by the congregation."

His church colleague, Canon Fred Thorne, thinks the ramp is wonderful - he regularly makes use of it to enter the church in his wheelchair.

Since the church was gutted by fire nine years ago these are the latest works to be completed in the repair and refurbishment of the church. The next phase will be the creation of the Community Rooms at the east end of the church.