IT may be the season of goodwill but Christmas doesn't mean no dodgy deals, poor service or confidence tricks.

To help make sure people in Journal-land enjoy festivities Wigan Council's trading standards officers have collated ten top tips to keep shoppers smiling.

"We are urging shoppers to be even more vigilant than normal," said the borough's principal trading standards officer Alan Blundell.

They advise:

Keep your receipt in case something you purchase doesn't, fit, suit you or work.

Keep you cool because a calm approach often helps solve a problem whereas blowing your top can be counter productive.

Know your rights. The ability to quote the right Act if Parliament works wonders but if in doubt ask Trading Standards.

Don't get fobbed-off. If you buy faulty goods or those which have not been properly described you are entitled to your money back from the retailer.

Check the age level of toys. The box or label should show if the toy is safe for the age of the recipient. If it doesn't don't take risks, buy something else.

Buy from reputable traders.

If donating to a charity collector make sure the collector is registered or send donations directly to your chosen charity.

Check you change.

Check ingredients and don't forget how alcohol does not mean no alcohol and a few glasses can add up to failing a breathalyser test.

Loan awareness. Credit conscious trading standards officers will pursue loan sharks who prey on desperate people who want to give the kids a good Christmas offering interest rates that guarantee a New Year nightmare.

The Christmas edition of Trading Standards News contains lots of useful advice and is available at public libraries across the borough.