THE officer leading the hunt for a brutal gunman who blasted a businessman in both legs says he is disappointed at the poor public response for information.

Det Supt Ian Jones is heading the investigation into the attack on Mohammed Anwar Chaudhry who was shot at his home in Manchester Road, Nelson, at about 10.40pm on Friday, December 8.

Mr Chaudhry, 51, has undergone surgery at the Royal Preston Hospital. He suffered shotgun wounds to both thighs and remains in a serious condition.

Det Supt Jones said there had been very limited response to appeals for information.

"This may well be because people genuinely don't think they have anything to tell us," he commented, adding: "But I am becoming increasingly concerned that there may be people who do have information who are unwilling to come forward.

"If they are concerned for their own safety I can reassure them that their calls will be treated in strict confidence." Information can be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Det Supt Jones added: "What we are dealing with is a very serious incident and I am treating this attack as attempted murder.

"Manchester Road is a busy part of town and at the time of night the shooting took place I would expect there to have been quite a few people out and about.

"Frankly I would have expected a better response by now. Someone must know more than they are telling and I would appeal to anyone with information, however insignificant they think it is, to come forward as soon as possible." Three people were arrested and questioned before being released on police bail pending further inquiries.

Anyone with information can contact the incident room at Colne police station on 01282 472477 or 01282 472473.