WHILE the supporters of the ignoble art of sustained agression are rationalising and dissociating themselves from implication in the injury inflicted on boxer Paul Ingle, the chief medical officer of the British Board of Boxing Control stated on TV that "In contact sports you get this sort of accident."

That he regards the damage done to Paul as "accidental" is monumental self-delusion, smacking of self absolution.

It is impossible to hold a rational debate with people who regard boxing as the noble art of self defence.

It is not noble, nor is it self defence. The epitome of self defence is to keep out of range of your opponent's reach and if both boxers did that, there would be nobody paying money to watch.

What they pay for is to enjoy watching a knockout or one boxer rendered incapable of defending himself -- self defence has nothing to do with that.

I don't suppose any of the supporters will be writing to Paul's family saying "It is my money to blame."

D PRATT (Mr), Plantation Street, Accrington.