THE Royal Mail must not be privatised "through the back door" of Europe, says Euro MP Gary Titley.

He and his colleagues have voted overwhelmingly against European Commission plans to throw open the EU postal market to competition.

The Commission had proposed introducing competition for letters weighing more than 50 grams, rather than the current 150 grams, and liberalising direct mail deliveries and cross-border mail.

"By giving the thumbs down to these proposals, we have sent a clear message that we are not prepared to sacrifice our Royal Mail on the altar of full liberalisation," said Mr Titley.

"The Commission's proposals would put hundreds of British sub-post offices at risk. We do not want a situation where old age pensioners have to go to petrol stations to get their pensions as they do in Sweden.

"Furthermore, I will not accept a two-tier postal system where somebody living in a remote rural area of Cornwall or Cumbria has to pay more for a stamp than a city dweller living in London."

Mr Titley added: "I and my Labour MEP colleagues have fought against Tory plans to privatise the post service for far too long to let the European Commission do it by the back door."