Now this is not to say that our MPs do not mean well. I'm sure that the majority sincerely believe that their policies will bring health, wealth and happiness. But wait a minute! Where is God in all their planning? Surely the Creator who gives us, "life, breath and all things" Acts 17:25 is not irrelevant? Perhaps they've forgotten their British history which shows that our greatest advances scientifically and socially arose primarily through the dynamic impact of Biblical preaching. Today we often take for granted the benefits of Christianity but the spiritual capital that produced these is fast running out.

Foolishly we now invest in a poverty stricken secular education that does not even lay the most fundamental basis for a stable society, namely that, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Psalm 111:10

When people begin to fear, which means to respect the Lord, they will respect and keep His commandments even when there is no CCTV camera nearby! The best "crime stopper" costs nothing! Here it is, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29

No legislation can bring about this change of heart but if just one MP broke the ice and asked people to pray for Britain the angels would rejoice! Especially if they pleaded for Sunday worship instead of Sunday work!

The Bible says, "Blessed (happy) is the nation whose God is the Lord." Psalm 33:12 He has been "our help in ages past," and He is our only "hope for years to come!"