WORK on a millennium peace garden designed to unite a troubled East Lancashire community is expected to be finished in a couple of months time, it was revealed today.

Mohammed Riaz, manager of Brierfield Youth Centre, said he was confident the town's new landmark by the side of the centre, in Colne Road, would be finished by the end of March.

The scheme was launched by Groundworks in response to calls by community leaders to set up a project that would ease racial tensions in the area following the death of 22-year-old Shahbaz Arshad.

Shahbaz, of Woodfield Terrace, Brierfield, was found dead in a back alley after being chased by attackers two years ago.

But Mr Riaz said today foundation work had already begun on the peace garden, which he said was just a small step towards uniting a community that three days ago witnessed a street disturbance involving Asian youths. Planning permission for the garden has not yet been granted but it is expected an application will be accepted before Brierfield and Reedley Committee on Tuesday. He said: "The garden is about the need to have a peaceful environment and peaceful community."