LATEST local planning applications submitted to Wigan Council include:

Astley Street park, Astley Street, Tyldesley -- site two groups of three sheltered seating units, plus seven lighting columns; land adjacent 75 Lord Street, Hindley -- construct one double garage on plot seven and eight single garages on plots 1-6 and 8-9; 32 Porlock Close, Platt Bridge -- conservatory at rear; 32 Loweswater Avenue, Astley -- two storey side extension. 1 Narborough Close, Hindley -- resite six foot fence to road frontage; 213 Church Road, Astley -- conservatory at rear; Hindley Sewage Works, Templeton Road, Platt Bridge --build a 15m high lattice tower, install six co-polar aerials, three microwave dishes and associated equipment cabin all with palisade fenced compound; 9-13 Lord Street, Leigh -- change of use to A3 (food and drink) with single storey rear extension.