HAVING high-jacked the American presidency, George Bush has just tested the limits of international law, bombing, killing and maiming innocent civilians and with the support of the British government. When Bush says "jump" Blair just asks: "how high?".

Ten years of sanctions still sees Saddam Hussein in control. He is not suffering. No, it is the 7,000 children dying every month and a population that is denied basic necessities. How are the Iraqi people, suffering as they are, ever going to be able to rid themselves of Hussein?

The Government says that these raids are to prevent Hussein from developing weapons of mass destruction. Meanwhile the US and Britain are provoking a new nuclear arms race by developing the ballistic missile defence system known as "Star Wars", with the ultimate aim of having US weapons in space.

This latest gung-ho raid is unlawful and has been carried out without United Nations approval.

With only Israel supporting this bombing it is time for our Government to ally themselves to the rest of the world and to carry out the wishes of the British people who, in a poll this week, voted by a 70 per cent margin to condemn this latest act of aggression.



Prestwich & Whitefield CND.