SAUCY Journal man Paul Smith's pancake fetish takes some licking!

Dinner table schoolmates from Smithy's days at Abram St John's and Golborne "comp" may recall his Shrove Tuesday cravings for pancakes and . . . brown sauce. Yuk!

Not for him the soft option of a spoonful of sugar and a dash of lemon juice. Pancakes are the spice of life for Mr Smith.

"I've always eaten them with brown sauce, ever since I was a kid," said the pancake king. I put brown sauce on everything I eat -- except pizzas and curries."

No wonder his kids Shannon and Connor love their Daddy!

Go on then readers, tell us about your odd food habits. We know about the guy who used to put pickles in vanillas but if you always eat your vindaloo with a strawberry ice cream topping we'd like to know.