AMBITIOUS plans are afoot to promote Radcliffe.

The marketing strategy was unveiled at the latest meeting of the Radcliffe Area Board town centre sub-group.

"Radcliffe and Radcliffe town centre have a lot to offer, it is just that we have forgotten how good the area can be," said town co-ordinator Trish Willott.

She cited the proposed museum, new supermarket and town centre improvements as examples of exciting investments in the pipeline.

The new riverside park and state-of-the-art skate park will create further attractions.

Miss Willott said: "The main aim of the marketing strategy is to change people's perceptions of Radcliffe and to have a town centre that has vitality and vibrancy and is a place where people want to live and do business. "Promoting Radcliffe is not just about encouraging local residents to utilise the area, it is a key component of raising the awareness of prospective developers and new companies to the area."

One of the main ways of promoting the town will be a comprehensive website showcasing everything good about Radcliffe.

A website for the market hall has already been created and the intention is to integrate it into a more detailed site promoting the town.

This would include information on everything from local services and community activities to details of regeneration plans and investment opportunities. There would also be a directory listing small and large businesses with links to their websites.

Four local web design companies are working on proposals for the website and the winner will be chosen on April 6.

The site should be launched at the end of September.