IN response to the takeover of Blackburn with Darwen Council services by Capita (LET, March 21), I welcome any move that will create 500 new jobs for the town while increasing efficiency and delivering better public services to the town that have been long overdue.

Capita's ability to reduce operating cost and deliver savings of £1.6million in the first year along, begs several questions.

1. Why has Blackburn and Darwen council been unable to deliver similar savings?

2. Have the people of the town been given a second-rate service due to a council's lack of ability to perform for the people who elected them?

In addition, should Capita deliver these savings, would the people of the town see increased benefits such as reduced council taxes etc, instead of a year-on-year rise of around five per cent?

PAUL McGURTY, Wharfdale Close, Feniscowles, Blackburn.