WHAT a sad world we would live in if it was left to the Lib-Dems. They want Blackburn Council to cancel the 150th birthday celebrations and spend the money on the roads (LET, March 16).

Such petty comments show what an insignificant party they are. We could all shift resources away from things like celebrations, festivals and awards but what kind of town would we become?

For example, why should a school organise an end-of-year awards ceremony or a sports day? Instead they should take a leaf out of the Liberals' book and spend the money on stationery, ignoring the delight the events would bring to the children who take part.

I agree with Councillor Ashley Whalley that voters should be made aware that the Liberals would support the abandonment of the Darwen Music Festival and would consign all the hard work of local artists and children to the dustbin.

In fact, if the Liberals were really prepared to direct all resources into road cleaning then why has none of them stood up and offered to direct their allowances into cleaning up their wards?

I agree with the Lancashire Evening Telegraph that we can always find higher priorities when allocating money but sometimes those priorities which fall lower down the list can be equally important in a different way.

It is very sad that the Lib-Dems had to resort to such silly pre-election gimmicks simply to try and curry favour with voters.

JAMES CUTHBERTSON, Preston Old Road, Cherry Tree, Blackburn.