IT was grey-flecked and a bit grizzled.

But for ten years it had been teacher Stephen Swietlik's chin-point pride and glory.

Now, however, science teacher Stephen has sacrificed his familiar beard in the name of charity.

He staged his sponsored 'shave-in' at St Augustine of Canterbury High, Blackbrook, gallantly suffering the gentle wisecracks of fellow staff members and the suppressed giggles of pupils as they watched Stephen come clean.

But the whiskery wheeze proved very worthwhile, totting up sponsorship takings of more than £100.

It represented a contribution towards an all-school fund-raising effort, timed to coincide with Lent and with proceeds to benefit St Helens Hospice, the overseas CAFOD organisation and Nugent Care Society.

The 48-year-old teacher, who lives at Sutton, grew his first beard 25 years ago, but shaved it off only to make way, shortly afterwards, for his more recent full set of face-warming whiskers.

This served Stephen for a full decade.

"But", he now declares ruefully, "trust me to have gone bare-faced just as the temperate of this so-called spring season plummeted to bring ice, sleet and biting winds!"