A ST HELENS woman is suffering from chest complaints following claims that her flat in Clock Face has been damp for the past year. Linda Whittaker who lives in Pollitt Crescent says she now has difficulty breathing after living in the damp flat for 12 months and is currently undergoing investigations to assess the cause of her breathing difficulties.

Ronald Smith, a friend, said Linda has reported the condition of the flat to the Council Office on Chester Lane in St Helens and is angry they have not responded.

He said: "The walls in this flat are black, there is water seeping through the walls and Linda is ill because of it, but the Council still haven't done anything about it."

A council spokesperson said: "We sent a plumber out after a complaint of a water leak several nights ago. The problem is condensation, one many people have. However, work in the future will be done to the damp proof course. We have told Mrs Whittaker that in order to do so she would have to move out of her flat while the work is carried out, but she is not prepared to."

Linda has requested to be moved permanently because of her ill health caused by the damp, but the Council said as Linda had rent arrears to pay, she could not be considered immediately for a permanent move.

The Council said they were in discussions with the housing association to reduce the arrears.