RECENTLY I ordered a pint of lager in a local workingmen's club and was promptly informed that a rise in prices by the breweries would add a further 10p to my pint.

In the recent budget Chancellor Gordon Brown smiled when he said no increase in spirits or beer would be added by him.

But, once again, the greedy breweries have taken it upon themselves to increase prices, not by one or two pence, but by a whopping 10p.

With the reduction in fuel prices by several pence a litre, lowering transport costs, I can see no justification for such increases by the breweries.

Hardly a week goes by without us seeing workingmen's clubs fighting to keep their doors open and many local pubs closing.

It is hardly surprising when such sharp increases are imposed on the public year after year.

Keep the shareholders happy with the millions of profit and to hell with the long-suffering public would seem to be the policy.

J EDMUNDSON (Mr), Mona Road, Blackburn.